Our Class

Our Class

Monday, 8 December 2014

Poems by Judy

The poem below is a acrostic poem about Sunnybrae...


So desperate to move on, out of Sunnybrae when we were juniors.
Endless chatting, silenced by the stern words of teachers      that lingered and gave the classroom an eerie silence.
Nearly haunting the handball courts, marking it as their territory.
Irritating (some of us), yet sometimes we still get awards and certificates.
“Oh yes!” We are getting better at using electronic devices from all the ‘practice’ we do at school.
Realising how many more weeks we have here, no one wants to leave...
Sunnybrae has been the best place!

Now the poem below describes a feeling that we have had at Sunnybrae...

Feelings poem

Luck is light green mixed with a happy yellow, joyously lashing against the paint pot.

When you scratch a card and find out that you’ve just won the lotto, you know that luck is upon you.

Luck tastes like rich nectarine ice cream on a drenchingly hot  summer afternoon

Luck sounds like jingling bells of laughter echoing down a candle-lit hallway.

Luck looks like glorious sunshine on a four-leaf-clover.

Luck smells like fresh bread out of the oven.

Luck is knowing that there is a sunny day ahead.

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